IO1 : Guide to approaches and methodologies for the validation of learning at EQF levels 1 and 2

Provide an overview of the approaches and methodologies implemented at national
levels to enable the positioning of non-formal and/or informal learning for low-skilled
groups at levels 1 and 2 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)

IO2 : Common model for positioning non-formal learning at EQF levels 1 and 2

Describe and analyse examples of good practice in developing the positioning,
recognition, validation of non-formal and informal learning at levels 1 and 2 of the EQF

IO3 : Guide to using the Common Model

To enable other training stakeholders to use the Common Positioning Model

IO4 : Guide of recommendations

Identify common transnational issues and make recommendations to policy makers

Impact and exploitation work

In a transversal way, but essential for the relevance of the educational outputs, the partners of the Erasmus+ ENVOL project focused on the development of tools to measure the impact of the project, using the Impact+ exercise composed of four stages of analysis:

  1. Exploring the aims and objectives of the project
  2. Exploration of outcome and output indicators, in a little more detail
  3. Identifying potential data sources and data collection methods
  4. Collation of all the data into a simple data collation tool.

The explanation of the process is available, in French, on the AEF website and the result can be found here.